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How to Look Like a Classy Version of Paris Hilton

Part of: Fashion , Paris Hilton , Scarlett Johansson

When photographed, don’t strike a pose or make out with your honey.

Act goofy or naturally, and the camera will love you. Striking a pose like you’re on the red carpet makes you look like a wanna-be. Save kissy-face shots for photo booths. Find a black and white photo booth for a classier look. Recently I was at the Sky Bar for a birthday party. As soon as the camera was on one of the partygoers, she pursed her lips for nicer cheekbones and fuller lips. I started choking on my drink over how funny she looked.

Don’t get a fake-and-bake tan.

Repeat after me: A dark tan only looks good in a tropical locale. Come on, you don’t want to look like an old lady from Boca Raton. If you must use a self-tanner, use one that gives you natural looking color. Bronzing powders look the best and make you sparkle, like any girl should.

Use black eyeliner sparingly.

It looks too harsh and makes eyes look smaller if you outline the top and bottom lash lines. Do copy screen divas from the past (like Bridgette Bardot) and use eyeliner on your top lash line for party drama along with red or pale lipstick. This look is great for holiday parties with a slip dress and vintage cardigan. The year I sported this look, the boys were all over me.

Underwear—Wear it!

You don’t have to go au natural or wear a thong to be sexy. Go girlish with Victoria’s Secret’s new sparkly, partially see-through underwear. Remember adorable starlet Scarlett Johansson prancing around in them in “Lost in Translation?” (Btw, fab movie.) Sweet can be sexy, and these are a long way from granny panties.

Wear short skirts with coverage.

Who wants to stress about unintentionally flashing someone? Save a little mystery. Short skirts with opaque tights are young and fun, instead of slutty and “look at me.” Black is the most flattering, but color is unexpected, and you’ll stand out as a fashionista.


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