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Golden Globes

Part of: Hollywood , Television

[Breakfast: egg white omlette with spinach, gruyere and tomatoes.]

I was happy with most of the winners. I could’ve made bank with my picks.

My eyes got teary when Sean Penn won for MYSTIC RIVER, and he wasn’t even there. I cried when the film OSAMA from Afghanistan won for best foreign film, and I haven’t even seen it.

Bill Murray gave the best Oscar speech ever. Maybe I’ll like LOST IN TRANSLATION better when I see it again. Sofia Coppola seems so sweet and quiet. She’s always well dressed and is unassuming.

I thought Charlize Theron and Sarah Jessica Parker were the best dressed.

Oh, Mary Louise Parker glowed like she'd just had great sex (or a baby). I can't believe how amazing she looked considering she just had a baby weeks ago. I saw her in NYC a few days before she gave birth ,and she looked so sad I got teary eyed.

Renee Zellweger should’ve worn a more flattering dress. She wasn’t her normal emaciated self (Thank God), because she’s probably still filming BRIDGET JONES'S DIARY. I know she’s always trying to dress Hollywood Glam, but I don’t think she pulls it off well.

I know that Sarah Ferguson is not an actress, but she really needs a new make-up artist and stylist. I hate to be bitchy, but she looked like she belonged on Hollywood Boulevard.

Watching Brittany Murphy made me want to shake her and say, “It should be obvious that you should refrain from doing drugs right before and during an awards show.” An industry friend told me ages ago that she’s a coke addict, and it’s quite obvious.

Joan Rivers dissing Kevin Costner for buying his fiancé such a small engagement ring was priceless. I’ve heard he’s a jerk, so perhaps some of his karma was coming back to him. (If he’s really a nice guy, I feel sorry for him.) I believe anything over two carats looks vulgar. I prefer a carat and a half to three-quarters. I don’t know how many carats the future Mrs. Costner’s ring was, but it definitely wasn’t the least bit flashy.

Also, funny, was her response to Joan’s pointed question, “What do you do?” She stuttered before saying, “I am into designing handbags now.” I guess that’s the new thing to say if you were a wannabe actress/model and now you’re marrying up.

I was in a store in Pasadena today and overheard the owner talking to her friend, “That Brittany Murphy was way too jittery, and she always overacts. She has to be on drugs. And Diane Keaton looked like a mummy. She always covers herself from head-to-toe. I see her at the flea market, and she always wears gloves and covers her neck. You know that the hands and neck always give away someone’s age. I thought Frances Conroy from Six Feet Under looked good. I mean, considering how frumpy looking she is.” (Last year she didn’t look frumpy.)

Any thoughts?


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