Breakfast At Tiffany's




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Being Tiffany Stone

Part of: Food , Hollywood , LA

Updated--something really weird happened to my formatting. It should all be fixed now.

Breakfast: Toasted baguette with apricot jam and butter

I’m at one of my favorite French cafés. I splurged and got a spinach crepe—so tasty. I’m definitely not in a prime seat. (My damn seat feng shui!) I don’t like being on the periphery of the restaurant. I was just telling a guy that his baby was adorable and then felt like I was flirting, but I wasn’t. He’s just totally doting over his baby, and it’s the cutest thing. I can’t figure out the woman at his table. She’s not paying attention to the baby. Now she’s on the phone.

There’s a band boy sitting at the far table having some kind of meeting. He has really dark brown or black hair. He really isn’t very cute, but I have a thing for really dark hair. I wish I knew what band he’s from. When he leaves, I notice that he has nice tattoos on his wrists and is wearing a striped, French-esque three quarter sleeve shirt— good for showing off those tats. His cuteness factor goes up.

I’m feeling kind of ill-ish. My throat has been scratchy since last night. I bust out a pack of tropical flavored Emergen-C. (I don’t recognize the allergy symptoms.) I notice some people leaving from a better table and quickly move all my stuff there.

I observe a woman wearing an ugly umbrella shirt. The umbrellas are in a soft blue, pink and yellow. The shirt looks like it should be on a baby shower invitation.

Unbelievable! A tourist-type couple just told a French woman to stop smoking. “Must be Italians,” she says graciously. I can’t even tell where these tourists are from, but they seem really proper and uptight. I hate smoke too, but if you’re going to sit outside (especially at a French restaurant), chill out.

My favorite table is available, and I pounce. Now I have proper feng shui for writing.

I think, no, actually I know that the actress, Radha Mitchell, is sitting one table away with friends. How do I even know who she is? I can’t remember what films I’ve seen her in, but I’m certain they were independent ones.(It was "Hight Art") Radha looks like a typical actress: no make-up, hair pulled back and wearing tight jeans and a slight cotton shirt. She confides in her friends, “I’m working a lot—two days on 'Law and Order' next week.” Later she gets philosophical. “I don’t want to be another actress who lives in (insert trendy Westside neighborhood).”

“Radha,” I say in my head. “Actresses can’t get away from actress stereotypes, so don’t worry about it.” My friend, Kate, recently saw Christina Applegate in Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf in sweats and no make-up. “She could’ve at least put on some lip gloss. That earth mama thing is so over,” Kate complained. Well, Radha looked good.

Now I’m craving sugar. I’m going for less sugar in my diet as soon as I finish my cocoa almonds from Trader Joe’s. I rarely buy any sweets for my apartment because I know I’ll eat too much. At least I’ve figured out how to buy a pint of ice-cream and have it last for more than two days. My favorite way to eat ice-cream is on a cone, so I bought some. It has curbed my desire to eat half a pint in one sitting. One of my friends can eat half a gallon in one sitting, so that makes me feel better.


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