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DK's Obsession Validated

Part of: Gossip , Hollywood , LA

[Breakfast: a soy green tea latte]

DK's obsession with car registration tags continues. Whenever he's driving down the freeway or on the street and gets bored, he checks out the expiry dates for vehicle tags, seeing if those cars that have out of date tags can be matched up with the 'look' of the car. So far the theory runs true: tags that show 2004 expiry dates are normally attached to beat-up, dirty cars that probably don't have any insurance. Tags that have been updated way in advance of their expiry are attached to pristine cars with no dents or dirt. But now I'm getting worried about how far he is taking his obsession. I hardly see him anymore as he drives around the streets of LA day-in and day-out looking for the holy grail of tags --- a car with 2003 tags. I call him a glorified plane spotting geek and have told him to go to therapy, but he ignores me. I think I'm going to have to take away his keys from him and confine him to the house...

Despite DK's theories behind cars and their tags, it looks like he's going to have to revise his theory now...

Julia Roberts Draws Attention with Expired Tags (via IMDB)

Oscar-winning actress Julia Roberts shocked residents of Santa Monica, California when she was spotted driving through the coastal town with out of date license plates. The Erin Brockovich star, who owns a home in nearby Venice, ran various errands around Santa Monica yesterday, without her husband Danny Moder or their baby twins Hazel and Phinnaeus by her side. And while she could boast that she was doing her part for the environment by carrying out her chores in an eco-friendly silver Toyota Prius, onlookers couldn't help but notice that her plates clearly displayed an April 2005 expiry date. A local resident scoffs, "It's ridiculous! While I understand it's quite normal to be a few days late, three months is just crazy. If an everyday person with a 9-5 can remember to get it done within a timely fashion, a movie star with a staff to help remind her certainly should be able to." According to California law, a driver whose registration is expired by more than a month but less than a year is liable to pay an extra 60 per cent on top of the standard registration fee.


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