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Situation: Tragedy- The Rewrite

Part of: Television

[Breakfast: a hard-boiled egg]

Mark Treitel from the Bravo reality show "Situation: Comedy" sent me the following e-mail, forever clearing up that his name isn't "What's-His-Name" or "Shoe's partner". Now that I know that the season finale is this Friday at 7PM EST (I watch Bravo all the time and there's been no mention of the season finale) I will watch it, as well as the pilots for "Sperm Donor" and "Stephen's Life" here. I will be writing a post after the airing of the season finale--well, there's not going to be another season, so I should say final show.

Despite the fact that "Situation: Comedy" was not the highest rated Bravo show in the history of the channel, the producers Sean Hayes and Todd Milliner are coming back with another show. Wow...failure brings success. But why? Hmm..perhaps because their production company Hazy Mills Productions is NBC Universal Television-based and NBC owns Bravo and NBC runs the flailing "Will And Grace", it's no surprise that NBC thinks it's important to keep Will and Grace's Sean Hayes happy, happy, otherwise it's all over, over.

But that's all boring compared to the fact that Mark has agreed to write a remarkably insightful guest post for "Breakfast at Tiffany's" about his time on the show! Look for it tomorrow AM. Meanwhile, go to Mark's site and find out when to catch past episodes of Situation: Comedy.

Hey, I saw your blog...

re: your post... I agree that Bravo saw it was more interesting to have teams of writers...
they had discussed that single writers would have had more interaction with producers...
but except for episode two, there is actually hardly any writing
being shown...

I hope you finally saw the two pilots and could judge for yourself
what you liked better.

Go to
to watch the pilots and vote.

All the best,

Mark Treitel
co-writer of Sperm Donor


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