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My Girl Crush

Part of: Gossip , Hollywood , Television

[Breakfast: 2 homemade hazelnut truffles with champagne]

I can’t remember the last time I had a girl crush. I do remember having a big girl crush on Madchen Amick. I even watched that horrible Darren Star show "Central Park West" just because she was on it. Imagine my surprise when I had a Madchen Amick sighting at the bar at the Arclight. DK and I were sitting there while she was ordering a drink. I was staring at her—don’t worry, it wasn’t obvious—trying to figure out if it was really my ex-crush.

What gave Madchen away was her sexy mouth. DK and I had seen her on "ER" a few months back and thought she had lost her cuteness and wasn’t aging well. Long hair does not suit Madchen. Maybe she just had the ER ugly curse. In person, Madchen was very pretty and looked really good for her age with much shorter hair. If she’s done botox or plastic surgery, it isn’t obvious. It was dark, but I saw her pretty close-up. The only thing that I couldn’t understand was her ‘80s outfit: a brown leather bomber jacket, tight purple top (too yoga or aerobic-esque) and blah jeans. Luckily she still has a hot body, so she can wear whatever she wants. Madchen was drinking beer--that was cool. We also saw Gene Simmons, but that’s typical for me. I see him everywhere. I stand by the Arclight as the best place in L.A. for star sightings.

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Blue Plate Café in Santa Monica is also a great place for star sightings. A couple of weeks ago, I spied Nicole Kidman in a blue Jaguar talking on her phone in front of the restaurant. The following week, DK and I saw Maria Bello dining solo inside. DK said it couldn’t be her because she has bad skin. Maria was wearing foundation and powder, but the rest of her face looked bare. I saw her the next day in front of Barnes and Noble on Third Street Promenade. I thought that was an odd coincidence, so I looked at pictures of her online. It was definitely Ms. Bello.

The weirdest sighting I’ve had of late was Luke Perry near Shutters on the Beach with his kids. That guy does not age except for losing his hair. I bet he’s an alien.


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