Breakfast At Tiffany's




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Celebrity Sighting Du Jour at The ArcLight

Part of: Gossip , Hollywood , LA , Scarlett Johansson

[Breakfast: 3 homemade chocolate chip hazelnut cookies]

DK and I went to see MATCH POINT last night. I was bored and felt like I was seeing a "How to Make a Thriller 101" movie. If Scarlett Johansson (for the men to fantasize screwing) and Jonathan Rhys-Meyers (for the women to dream of making love to) weren't in the film, I doubt it would be getting good reviews. But DK enjoyed it for what it was. I wonder what Peter Sarsgaard and Maggie Gyllenhaal thought? They were sitting a few rows down from us cute as can be.


My Girl Crush


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