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Ryan Seacrest aka The Puppet

Part of: Gossip , Television

Remember TEAM AMERICA? Ryan Seacrest's plastic surgeon does. I caught a couple of minutes of Mr. Seacrest co-hosting his New Year's Eve gig and finally realized who he reminds me of: a puppet from TEAM AMERICA: WORLD POLICE. This has been plaguing me for weeks. Now I can sleep.


Best heads of E!:

Seacrest will be executive producer of E!’s “Live From the Red Carpet,” starting with the Golden Globes on Jan. 16. He’ll share hosting duties with designer Isaac Mizrahi and E!’s Giuliana DePandi. [via LA Observed/Defamer]

Oh yeah, my favorites....


Issac- The Queenie Bitch From Hell
Notes on The Emmys and E!'s Pre-Show
Team America is so Gay


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