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Jonathan Antin Quote Du Jour

Part of: LA , NYC , Television

"Here we have Melrose Avenue. This is what SoHo is to New York. Melrose Avenue is to California. It's kind of all the crazy you know freaky musicians, young actors, artsy people...uh you get a little bit of everything down here. Get some drug addicts. Get some homeless. As you see we've got some punk rockers, some gangbangers over here..." (via Bravo)

Jonathan Antin wouldn't cut it as an LA tour guide. In "Part 1 of Jonathan's Tour Guide of LA" he drives around Melrose Avenue between Fairfax and La Brea. Jonathan must do a lot of drugs because he thinks that the heart of Melrose is comparable to SoHo in New York City. Is he on crack?? The only part that resembles Soho is the segment of Melrose between Crescent Heights and a bit south of La Cienega. Maybe Jonathan should go visit a place called the East Village next time he's in NYC. Then he could wax poetically about St. Mark's Place and compare it to Beverly Hills.


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