Breakfast At Tiffany's




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Stoned!- Isaac Watch

Part of: Gossip , Hollywood , Scarlett Johansson , Stoned! , Television

Scarlett Johansson decided to speak out after all about her Golden Globes groping by Isaac Mizrahi. Too bad that they can't kiss and make up at the Oscars, since Scarlett won't be attending.

"It was definitely in poor taste," said Johansson, speaking about her reaction publicly for the first time. "I'd been prepping for two hours with hair and makeup and getting dressed. And the first interview I do, someone who I have never met before fondles me for his own satisfaction."

Johansson was wearing a clingy, low-cut gown that made the most of her ample bust line when Mizrahi made his move."Mostly, I was thinking, 'Oh, my god. This is happening on live TV.' I don't think he got a huge thrill out it. He was making some shocking show or whatever for his channel and wanted to be different and racy and all of those things," she said.

"When it happened, I think I actually said, 'What the heck is going on?' At the same time, people made a huge deal out of something that, in the moment, was not as exciting as it seemed afterward." Johansson, speaking from the Los Angeles set of her new movie, "The Prestige," isn't buying Mizrahi's explanation that he was just a designer trying to figure out how her dress was made. I'm sure he was very fascinated by that — like he doesn't know how a dress works," she said [The Envelope]


Where's Isaac?
Gossip for Breakfast
Isaac Hits the red carpet at the golden globes
Isaac- The Queenie Bitch from hell


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