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British Candy Bar

Part of: Food , Travel

I rarely eat candy bars here, so I don't know why I feel the need to taste every kind when I'm in London. My favorite tea place in Santa Monica, The Tudor House, also has the best British candy selection, but it's more expensive as an import. Before I forget, this isn't really related, but gas prices in Europe were $10 a gallon. Maybe we should stop whining about gas prices and start eating more chocolate. My top favorite British candy bars are Cadury's Curlywurly, Flake, Crunchie and Mars' Malteasers and Ministrels. Oh, Toffeecrisp and Double Deckers rock too. Curlywurly is a very thin stretched out piece of milk chocolate with caramel inside. It doesn't have a lot of calories, so it's the perfect diet candy bar. That is, when you're on a diet and don't want to break it--Curlywurly can count as a serving of fruit. I'm so not kidding, either.

Flake and Crunchie were two of the first imported candy bars that I ever had. Flake consists of quality milk chocolate that literally flakes in your mouth. The texture is amazing. The bar conisist of small chocolate shards that they somehow adhere together. Crunchie is honeycomb covered in milk chocolate. Unfortunatley, I bought a Crunchie Blast bar by accident and it has pop candy in it--great for kids, but annoying for adults. Malteasers are like Whoppers, but the chocolate is much better. Ministrels are the coolest. When I was at the airport I grabbed a large bag of them to try but then swapped it for a smaller one. Dumbass move. Ministels are different chocolate candies covered in crispy chocolate shell--similar to M&M's but more flattened out and much tastier. They have different flavors all in one bag: coffee, orange, chocolate, Malteaser, caramel and raisin. Toffeecrisp and Double Deckers are the best crispy candy bars. I don't have my notebook on me right now with my other candy reviews, but you should buy my favorite candy bars ASAP.

Believe by Mars: the same as a Milky Way bar, but they changed the packaging on this bar to make it appear slicker. I got mine for less with a magazine purchase at the airport.

Aero by Nestle: I didn't taste anything special in this bar--it's supposed to have air bubbles--but my experiment was tainted because the bar sat in my apartment and was slightly melted. The chocolate tasted very average.

Kit Kat editions bar: I don't know why KitKat can't just be old skool KitKat. They had all these special edition flavors at one point of the original bars, but apparently that wasn't enough. Now they have a special editions candy bar that's tasty, but I miss the original bars. This bar had a nice balance between caramel and crunch, plus it was smooth and creamy.

Mars Delight: milk chocolate with a crispy texture and caramel. This bar is a wannabe Twix with not enough crunch or caramel.

Galaxy Ripple: this is similar to a Flake bar but now as good.

Bounty: like Mounds. I bought the milk chocolate version by accident, but it was still good. I haven't had a Mounds bar in a while, so I don't know which one is better.

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