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Fashionistas Du Jour

Part of: Fashion , Fashionista Du Jour , Hollywood , Television
Evangelina Lilly Katherine Heigl Heidi Klum

You can tell it's still summer because pretty is "in". My favorite 58th Emmys look was Katherine Heigl's. She's always looked decent, but this time she looked amazing and was really working the whole glam old Hollywood actress thing. (She also reminded me of Charlize Theron.) If you look closely her Escada dress looks really '80s, but you know that '80s style is in. Not everyone faired so well working the '80 Bob Mackey look, but I'll get to that later. Evangeline Lilly looked stunning in a Versace gown that fit her perfectly. Another color would have been more flattering, but purple is the "It" color. Red is totally Heidi Klum's color. You would've thought that Michael Kors would've designed her a gown for the Emmys a few seasons back considering that he's been a Project Runway judge for three seasons now.

But maybe he didn’t want to deal with the drama. That man needs to design for more pregnant women, seriously. Heidi’s makeup and hair was stunning, too.


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