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Girls on Bikes

Part of: Fashion , Gossip , Lindsay Lohan , Music , Paris Hilton

How to tell a star's maintenance level and more by the way they ride their bike:

Hilary Duff: The fact that Hil can balance her purse and coffee while bike riding, shows that she's a multitasked and doesn't need an assistant to wipe her ass. She's definitely a girlie girl because she brought a medium-sized purse on her ride instead of stuffing her money and cell phone in her pockets. Hil's lead on her boyfriend, Joel Madden, suggests that she's the man in the relationship. She’s also a bit of a control freak.

Lindsay Lohan: LL's bike riding attire suggests that she's slutty but not as slutty as Paris Hilton because she wears underwear. Since LL doesn't have any belongings on her, an assistant must be juggling LL's calls while fetching the latest hangover panacea. Her assistant obviously has no idea that LL is out bike riding. Lindsay is the highest maintenance of these girls.

Pink: Pink is using her bike solely for utilitarian purposes. She’s the most laid back of the three girls and hardly ever uses her male assistant. Pink also cares the least about what she looks like, but is secretly jealous of Hilary Duff. She knows how to enjoy life and has a good balance between work and play. However, the big basket on the front of Pink’s bike suggests that she’s messy.


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