Happy Monday!
Part of: Food , Sparkly[Breakfast: an almond biscotti and an iced cappuccino]

Monday's suck, so today will be a continuation of Fashion Friday. I'm feeling particularly generous since tomorrow is BAT's three year anniversary. Please join in the festivities and make your Monday and Tuesday sweet by running to your local farmers' market or health food store and buying two organic (if possible) peaches--preferably of the white variety. Did you know there used to be Champagne peach? Peach bellini’s are BAT's summer drink of choice. A couple of glasses in the evening and one in the morning is BAT's suggested serving size.
Peach bellini
2 ripe peaches, seeded and diced
1 tablespoon lemon juice
1 teaspoon sugar
Bottle Prosecco sparkling wine or champagne.
1. Place the peaches, lemon juice and sugar in a food processor or blender and process until smooth (puree).
2. Press the mixture through a colander, but make sure there is a bowl underneath for the liquid - this is what you will be using. Toss the peach solids.
3. Place two tablespoons of the peach puree in a champagne glass and fill with Prosecco/champagne. Serve immediately.
recipe by Ina Garten