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Fashion Friday: Jumpsuits

Part of: Fashion , Gossip , Hollywood , Scarlett Johansson

[Breakfast: a cappuccino chip muffin and chai soy latte]

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You couldn't pay me to wear one of these shapeless jumpsuits. Scarlett still manages to look beautiful in her fancy garbage woman number. I want her makeup artist's number.Too bad her grey silk number doesn't do anything for her body. Pamela Anderson's jumpsuit fits decently, or maybe not, because there is definitley a large piece of plastic spilling out of the top portion. Who do you think rocks this look better?



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I think they both look atrocious. Too "Men At Work"-1980's. Or, maybe they were both painting that spare bedroom before they went out - didn't have time to change, and threw some accessories together to try and pass? Who knew shopping at Sherwin-Williams could get you a photo-op?

I think they are both looking incredibly hot! feminine and masculine as well , a look they carry very well, i am going to shop for this item right now!!

this web site is very good XXx

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