Breakfast At Tiffany's




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Katie Holmes is Posh

Part of: 'Ana' Alert , Gossip , Hollywood , TomKat

[Breakfast 7-grain toast w/butter and chamomile tea]

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Dark Horizons is reporting that Katie Holmes may be playing Posh Spice in a David Beckham biopic. Wouldn't it be perfect casting considering that the couples are BFF now? Not. I really don't think that Katie Holmes would be a good Victoria Beckham. I'm not confident that Katie knows how to act like anything other than a Stepford wife. It also wouldn't be a healthy role. She'd have to get down to her anorexic weight again and then some. Surprisingly, Tom Cruise will not be playing David Beckham because of "marked physical differences". Does anyone even fancy Tom Cruise anymore? If you do, please leave a comment explaining yourself.

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Yes, I fancy Tom Cruise and know of several peopl who do.
Besides, I am sure the writer of this article does not know Tom personally and yet has the audacity to criticise like they do. Are thye perfect?


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