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Fashion Friday: Stripes

Part of: Ashlee Simpson , Fashion , Gossip , Hollywood , Kate Moss
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I really loathed striped tops and sweaters untill I went to France for the first time. The striped clothes there seemed so much more fashionable. Though I only became a fan of smaller stripes--not the thick stripes that also thicken your waist. That is, unless you're Kate Moss. Kate Winslet and Ashlee Simpson look OK in their striped sweaters, but they are so conservative looking. Unless you're preppy, try to buy striped clothing in modern silhouettes. You can always pair a sweater with skinny jeans and funky shoes to keep from looking blah. BTW: What's up with Ashlee Simpson's face? It's so narrow and big.

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i LOVE STRIPES!!!!! this trend is possibly the best thing ever

I tink as long as you're tall and skinny you can pull off the stripe fashion well. Both Kate Moss and Winslet look pretty as well as comfortable in their outfits.
If your over weight like me you end up looking like a ballooned zebra :-P .

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