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Britney's Free

Part of: Britney , Fashion , Gossip , Music , NYC , Television
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On Monday, Britney made a 'faux' surprise appearance on David Letterman. What you didn't know is that Britney asked him out. (Yeah, I made that last bit up, but you never know.) The real reason of the appearance was to start the unveiling process of her new body that we first saw here. Britney is not only free from K-Fed, but free from baby weight, too. Notice her sexy, muscular legs and arms. But what's up with that ugly wig and outfit?

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Next, Britney decided that skating in Rockefeller Center would be just the thing to show her independence. Yeah, she never did that with K-Fed 'cause she always had a baby growing inside of her. He must be way jealous. Oh, and in case you forgot, Britney has beautiful breasts as she demonstrated by wearing a low-cut cowl neck sweater with nothing on underneath. Brrr. Not the best breast shot, but don't despair. The other day Brit wore one of those tight dresses that slutty girls wear in high school that displayed her breasts perfectly.

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Britney had to show the world that she wasn't just a babymaker, so she visited Sony Studios in NYC for a session and didn't emerge until the next day. I have no clue why she's attached to that silly white hat, but it's better than wearing one of those beyond trendy berets. Now she's off to Miami to work on her album and get photographed sipping Mai Tai's by the pool. That's right! Stay tuned next week for the bathing suit shot. Meanwhile, K-Fed actually thinks he has a chance at getting sole custody of their kids. I can hear Britney laughing right now.

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I just read SHAR JACKSON is telling folks what a nice guy Fed-X is. Did he promise her a cut? Does she think she's getting back at Brit, by looking like a twit? This rabbit-faced guy who NEVER looks good must have quite a load in his pants, or the tongue skills of Gene Simmons.

PS: It's completely HOT in NYC this week, she was probably sweating on that rink. Global warming rules!

I'm already bored with her 'comback'. Somehow I get the feeling all is not what it seems. And no offense, but she seems to have spent a great deal of time away from her new baby this past week.

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