Breakfast At Tiffany's




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Brown is the New Blonde

Part of: Cameron Diaz , Fashion , Gossip , Hollywood , Lindsay Lohan , The Olsens

[Breakfast: a mini scone and butter cake with clotted cream and white/green tea]

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Just because something's trendy, doesn't mean it's right for you. It's surprising that actresses who spent hundreds of dollars (thousands if they're getting extensions) on their hair in one go, can get such bad dye jobs. There are many shades of brown, but you would never know it from the locks of Carmen Electra, Hilary Duff, and Ashley Olsen. Carmen Electra woke up the next day and ran to her hair stylist to turn her back into Goldilocks. She was smart. I've been saying for a while that Hilary looks horrible with dark brown hair. Everyone's comparing Ashley Olsen to Mary-Kate, but MK never had an unflattering brown dye job. (I also don't believe that she wears fur.) Some of these girls (like Ashley) don't realize that you have to wear more makeup when you go darker or you look washed out. Too much makeup and you look Goth or like a Vegas showgirl (see Carmen). Joss Stone should go back to her natural hair color immediately. Lindsay Lohan and Sandra Bullock are the only actresses that have flattering shades for their skin tone. Cameron Diaz also pulls it off if she wears the right makeup.

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