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The McDonalds Diet

Part of: 'Ana' Alert , Brangelina , Gossip , Hollywood , Nicole Richie , Television
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I know some of you are wondering how Angelina Jolie and Nicole Richie can stay reed thin and eat McDonalds. No, they're not on some diet that includes McDonalds, but there's no proof that they ate more than a few bites of their meals. We also don't know how long it's been since they'd last eaten or if it was their only meal of the day. So, don't run out and go on the McDonalds diet thinking that you can get Angie's 'ana' physique. If you're overweight and don't know how to get over your fast food addiction just rent Super Size Me. Trust me.

"Angelina, 31, chowed down a quickie lunch with three other people (two male, one female) at a McDonald’s location in Bombay (Mumbai), India around the set of her new film, A Mighty Heart. She looks like she really enjoyed her meal there — sipping on some soda and eating french fries. The McDonald’s menu is different all over the world but if the colors on the McDonald’s India website match the sandwich wrappers, Angelina ate a McVeggie burger, which is a “breaded fried vegetable patty consist of peas, carrots, green, beans, red capsicum, potatoes, onions, rice and seasoning. The burger also includes lettuce, eggless mayonnaise in a toasted sesame seed bun.” Just thought you’d like to know! (;" [Source]

Hmm..Just Jared must eat at McDonalds a lot. I didn't know that 'Mickey D' geeks existed.


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