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Bad Hair vs. The Skinny

Part of: 'Ana' Alert , Fashion , Gossip , Hollywood , Nicole Richie , Rant , Television
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Little Nicole Richie. I don't know what we're going to do with you. Don't tell Paris, but I think you actually get more press than her now. Obviously, the whole in-patient rehab thing was someone else's idea or maybe you weren't in the mood to start shooting "The Simple Life" again. Whatever it was, I seriously doubt that you are trekking out to Newport Beach for tests and meetings with doctors. But the real tragedy is your hair. You traded in your new lovely strawberry blonde locks for muddy brown ones. Ick. I don't blame you though, because as we all know your stylist Rachel Zoe is responsible for everything wrong with you. We'll know that you're serious about getting well when you stop hanging out with her. Just the other night you were photographed with Zoe at a Chanel event. I am so over her right now, but I wish you would stop posing with her so I don't have to look at her scary face and bones....p-l-e-a-s-e stop. Last night you were at a Playstation event and looked like a street urchin looking for your next fix. The hair is definitely making you look like a druggie. Just change it.

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