Cameron on 'The Skinny'
Part of: 'Ana' Alert , Cameron Diaz , Fashion , Gossip , Hollywood[Breakfast: pumpkin pie w/ whipped cream]
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I don't know why Cameron Diaz talked about The Skinny Debate in an interview when she has recently lost more weight. It's true that she's never been voluptuous, but she usually has a healthy slim figure with amazing muscle tone from surfing. This changed a few months ago (or longer) when she dropped around 10 pounds and started to look skeletal. I even wrote about it here.
"The Hollywood actress, 34, tells ITV1 show Parkinson: "I think it's terrifying, it's tragic and sad.""I think that it's a sickness, something that's going on in someone's head where their perspective is off. We get ideals from images that we see and there certainly should be more responsibility put on those people who are putting those images out into the world. Let's be a little bit more responsible to what's realistic."
She adds: "I'm a skinny girl, so all my life all I have ever wanted to be is curvaceous and voluptuous, have everything falling out everywhere." [Source]
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She looked quite curvaceous in the Mask, but I suppose that could have been movie magic.
Posted by: David N. Scott | December 20, 2006 02:11 AM