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Nicole's Message

Part of: 'Ana' Alert , Fashion , Gossip , Hollywood , LA , Nicole Richie , Television
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Pre-DUI, Nicole Richie enjoyed hiking with a friend and shopping on Sunday. Doesn't she look hungover on that hike? Like most famous people in the entertainment industry who receive DUI's, Nicole has not apologized for her recklessness or for what could have happened. Notice how hardly anyone ever says, "I'm so glad that I didn't kill anyone because of my actions!" It's sad, really.

Nicole Richie's attorney, Howard Weitzman, exclusively tells TMZ "This is a difficult time for Nicole but she is prepared to accept whatever responsibility is appropriate. She intends to continue with her career and will deal with any other issues that need to be addressed."

This has to be one of the lamest statments I've ever read. Her lawyer could have at least stated what her career is. I assume it's staying too skinny and wearing fashionable ensembles, but I'm not 100% positive.


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