Part of: Brangelina , Gossip , Hollywood , Music , Nicole Richie , Paris Hilton , Stoned! , Television
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--ANTM runner up, Melrose Bickerstaff, clung to Jeremy Piven all night at two Golden Globe parties. I would have aimed a little higher if I were Melrose, but the two seem well suited to each other considering they’re both selfish brats. [Source]
--Naomi Campbell’s ex maid, Ana Scolavino, obviously had a shitty lawyer. She’s only getting $363 to pay off her doctor bills. She could have at least gotten enough money for ”suffering” after being hit in the head with Campbell’s Blackberry (over a pair of missing jeans) to buy her own blinged out Blackberry and designer jeans. I guess she’s happy enough to know that Naomi will have to clean for the first time in her life since she was also sentenced to 5 days of community service. [Source]
--Brangelina have already moved to New Orleans. Hopefully, the residents of New Orleans have been told that Brangelina have adopted them and their city as their new home. If I were them, I would already be lined up at their house for handouts. [Source]
--At least Nationwide Insurance wants Fed-Ex. He’s currently filming a commercial for them that will be shown during the Super Bowl. Nationwide thinks that their slogan, “Life comes at you fast” is a perfect match with K-Fed’s circumstances. Um, if they had done their research they would have learned that life never comes at you fast when you’re a stoner. [Source]
--Kim Kardasian has a kinky sex tape out there also starring Brandy’s younger brother, Ray J. Now the tape is allegedly being shopped around though Kim has nothing to do with it. Right. Kim obviously thinks that if she copies Paris then she’ll become a pop icon, too. Meanwhile, Ray J has been photographed wining and dining Whitney Houston—classy. [Source]
--Nicole Richie is already bored with her brunette hair and has dyed it orange. Maybe the color reflects her feelings about her ex, Adam Goldstein aka DJ AM, dating Mandy Moore. [Source]