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ANTM Cycle 8

Part of: Fashion , Television

[Breakfast: a slice of cold cheese pizza]


Did you know that Tyra Banks said on her talk show yesterday that the reason she does ANTM is to bring back models to the covers of fashion magazines? That's so noble. She should really change the show's title to America' s Next Top Cover Model to clarify its purpose. (I though her show was about showcasing her wigs, theatrical outfits and acting skills) Oh, and the winning model should get a better cover than Seventeen magazine. With all of Tyra's power, she should hook up the winner with a cover on a top fashion magazine like Vogue.

I'm not very excited about America's Next Top Model -- Cycle 8 which debuts February 28th. Last season was boring and the prettiest girls got kicked off in the first few weeks. When they were picking the models to be on the show they cut some of the best ones. WTF? I'm sure that happened this season, too. The models don't look that pretty or interesting. I'd rather watch another country's version of Top Model.

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1. Brittany
2. Cassandra
3. Dianna

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4. Dionne
5. Felicia
6. Jael

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7. Jasline
8. Kathleen
9. Natasha

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10. Renee
11. Samantha
12. Sarah
13. Whitney


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The last few seasons have really been going downhill. Since they picked Naima over Khalen things have not been good. Yet, I keep watching. These girls look a mess. Thanks for the photos.

Cassandra might win beacuse she is a odd ball. She's the only girl that doesn't match.
Also, she used to be a beauty consultant so she might win.

Now that Samantha, Kathleen and Felicia and Cassandra are gone, I think that Renee needs to go home because she is shady and I HATE her. Also, Sarah overthinks her photoshoots and has the same arragance as Jade from cycle 6. Dionne and Felicia and Brittany are my favorites though. Jael might get crazy later on in the competition. I think that Jaslene, Brittany, and Jael will make it to the Final 3.

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