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Fashion Friday: White Sunglasses

Part of: Drew Barrymore , Fashion , Nicole Richie , Sienna Miller , The Olsens

[Breakfast: 1/2 blueberry bagel with cream cheese and a slice of cataloupe]

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White sunglasses continue to be trendy, so don't throw yours out quite yet--unless you've gone brunette. Maybe I should go blonde so I can take part in this trend. I hate to say it, but Sienna pulls off the trend best. She was wearing hers around the time that she was filming Factory Girl. They might have been part of her costume. Nicole Richie recently wore rounded white sunglasses with a Twiggy-like ensemble. To look fresher for spring, buy your shades in a shape other than the classic Rayban Wayfarer shape (seen on The Olsen twins above and Drew Barrymore below). Gwen Stefani was seen on Valentine's Day wearing her modern white shades.

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this warning maybe too late.. Dole fresh cantalope alert. Wash outside well before slicing.. or you will get a tummy bug. White sunglass franes look cute only on the very beautiful, VERY YOUNG!Like 'tweens.. um Olsen fits that 'tween' no matter what age she is. Drew looks retarded. Sienna is pushin' awful with her winter garb, summer cut hair and white frames. Gwen's face is the wrong shape.. Nicole is tottering and ol' lady dotty Carol Channing..

please.please. i have been looking every where to find those glasses that nicole richie is wearing. do you (or anyone reading this) have any idea what brand they are or where i can get them?

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