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Jeremy Gay

Part of: Gossip , Hollywood , Literati
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Jeremy Gay Piven is such a joker. In Playboy's March issue he spoke out on why he's still single.

"I'd love to have a girlfriend - if I weren't gay,"... "That's right, I'm gay! I'm gayer than Liberace in 1972." As to why he's seen as a round-the-clock party boy, Piven adds, "At the moment, I happen to be the mother[bleep]ing pretty girl . . . The pretty girl who goes to the hot spot sure does look like she goes out all the time, right?"

That's one of the dumbest quotes I've ever read. My sources are always saying what a player Jeremy Piven is. I just don't understand why he rarely gets photographed with women. We know that he always bring his mom to award shows, but maybe he could show up with a woman-- any woman--at an event a few times a year. Then people would talk a little less about him being gay. Even the biggest players in Hollywood show up with hotties on their arms for events. What's the point in having that rep if the public never see's you with a hot chick?

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Paris must have his number?!

He's not gay.. he's too ego-selfish to share himself with anyone else than him, no matter what gender or species.

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