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Entertainers are the Real Liars

Part of: Gossip , Hollywood , Music , Rant , Television
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Wouldn't it be cool if celebrities just came out and said that they had plastic surgery and did drugs? I mean, I'd really respect Paula Abdul if she said that she liked using drugs and alcohol on occasion instead of saying that she's always been 100% sober. WTF? The least she could do is make up an interesting story about how she has a rare condition that is treated with prescription drugs that make her loopy, instead of denying that her bizarre behavior is caused by medication or alcohol. By saying that, she's admitting to being crazy. And being crazy isn't funny or sexy.

The general consensus among publications is that Robbie Williams has entered rehab for prescription drug dependency. The Post Chronicle claims that Robbie's daily drug intake included "three packets of cigarettes, 36 double espresso coffees, anti-depressants [Paxil] and sleeping pills." I've also read that he takes Vicodin, Xanax and drinks too many Red Bulls. Robbie's had problems with cocaine and alcohol in the past, but traded them in for other drugs of choice. What's dumb is saying that someone's gone to rehab for anti-depressant dependency. This is misleading and dangerous. Anti-depressants aren't addicive. Robbie should've just stuck to cocaine and alcohol instead of adding a million other things to the mix. Duh.

OK. Stars that have had plastic surgery and any other kind of facial rejuvenation should not admit to doing it and then deny it. Teri Hatcher allegedly said a year ago that she's had Botox and collagen injections in the past. Now she 's denying that she does Botox or Restylane injections and says she's never had plastic surgery. You could say that she's wording things in a smart PR kind of a way except that she goes off on Botox in this quote. Teri needs to be a smarter actress and STFU. If she really surfs the internet for her negative press, then she's really pathetic.

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I think Paula has Hashimoto's Disease.

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