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Gwen Stefani Loves Hotels

Part of: Gossip , Music , Travel
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I know some of you might be thinking that Gwen is obnoxious for staying at a hotel in London while promoting her new album, since she already has a huge house in the city. Gwen does have her reasons:

Gwen told Britain's Hello magazine: "It's just so much easier to have all my clothes and my stylist next to me. Plus my nanny, my manager, my trainer. It's a whole team of people."

It really is easier to focus on your work without household distractions. I recently stayed in a lovely Bed and Breakfast in Venice, CA for a couple of nights to escape from the contruction work on my apartment building. If you come to LA and want a cool place to stay, you should check out the Venice Beach House. It's adorable, has great service, and is half a block from the beach. It even has parking for a nominal fee. As for Gwen, maybe she should open up her own hotel chain in major cities with a special wing for herself.



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VBH is cuuuute!!! Which room did you stay in?

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