VF Fug Fashion Trends
Part of: Fashion , Gossip , Hollywood , LA , Music , Television[Breakfast; half of an egg white frittata with sundried tomatoes, basil and parmesan cheese.]

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I've decided to celebrate the fugly dresses from this year's Vanity Fair Oscar Party. After all, they could start new trends--you never know with fashion. Chloe Sevigny might be interviewed on the Style Network about her fashion foresight into carwash dresses. I wonder if Gwen Stefani's next collection will be inspired by her dress that looks like 3 vintage dresses mixed into 1? At least those of us who can't afford L.A.M.B. could mix and match thrift store finds to achieve the look. I'm not sure who Elizabeth Banks is. Was she in some MOW's (movie of the weeks)? I'm assuming so since she's wearing a goth dress that she found in her closet. Goth was in last season, so I doubt it'll be back this fall--but if it is, we'll have Elizabeth to thank. Ziyi Zhang is wearing a pale yellow dress, which is one of the "in" colors for spring. However, the shape of her dress reminds me of a wedding cake. Could confection inspired evening gowns replace the current trend of 1960's nightgown inspired evening dresses? We should all run to our local patisseries to...never mind...go there to grab some pastry and cappuccino.
Related Entries:
Fashion Friday: 1960's Evening Gowns
Fashion Friday: Vintage Nightgowns
L.A.M.B.Goes to the Movies
At a Christmas Party in first grade I received a plastic toy flower. It looked sort of like a tulip. When you pulled (or pushed) on the stem the the petals would fold down and a little doll would pop up. The petals made the dress. Ziyi Zhang's dress looks EXACTLY like my toy. That was the dorkiest toy ever.
Posted by: Kiki | March 3, 2007 04:22 PM