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Dude, Where's My Car?

Part of: Gossip , Hollywood , LA , Mischa Barton
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Mischa Barton is waiting for her car gas guzzler in front of Toast. She doesn't understand why it's taking the valet so long to deal with her flat tire. Cigarette Girl* is like, "Duh, Misch. Valets don't change flat tires!"

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Mischa spaces out for a minute and comes to the conclusion that she should smoke less pot. Then she proceeds to not recognize her own car at the gas station. FYI: The paparazzi all drive SUV's with tinted windows.

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Mischa thinks to herself: There are people in my car and I'm not in it. I guess I'm being paranoid 'cause there's no one in the driver's seat. What time is it? I really need a Diet Coke.

*Hania Barton

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