Fashionista Du Jour
Part of: Fashion , Fashionista Du Jour , Gossip , Hollywood , Nicole Richie , Television

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I like Nicole's Madison Marcus top. I wonder if they make it in a dress for women who aren't a size 0 and have breasts--that would be nice. For better pictures go here.
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OH I was coveting this Madison Marcus tunic ever since I saw this picture in a glossy a few weeks ago but when I checked my local boutiques they all said it is back-ordered until July =( I didn't want to wait til then so I found a similiar style in the Ella Moss Alexandria tunic and I love it so much! The Moss version is pima cotton though instead of silk so even if it is less "luxe" it's also a lot less matenience (no dry cleaning bill) Love the blog by the way ;)
Posted by: rachel | April 20, 2007 03:51 PM