Part of: Britney , Gossip , Hollywood , Music , Stoned! , Television
--Courtney Love plans to sell most of Kurt Cobain’s possessions in the future because her house is “like a mausoleum.” Right. She obviously needs more money to subsidize her plastic surgery. I mean, she needs cash for her nutritionist, Pilates instructor, massage therapist, colonics person, chef and yoga guru. [Source]
--TMZ is reporting that Ellen hurt her back so badly over the weekend that she’s doing a week’s worth of shows from her hospital bed. The cause of Ellen’s injury has not been revealed because it had to do with kinky sex, duh! [Source]
--.Boy George was arrested after an escort accused him of assault and false imprisonment. The escort allegedly came over to his house in the early hours to get his picture taken, but things got ugly when Boy George went out and brought back a friend. Next thing you know they handcuffed him and brought out the sex toys. I always thought the picture thing was code for prostitution. I shouldn’t be so cynical. [Source]
--Disturbia ruled the box office again. I just want to know when it’s star, Shia LaBeouf is going to outgrow his awkward stage and become hot. [Source]
--Now the police have to come out and said that they gave a celebrity (Britney Spears) a warning for driving recklessly speeding so we aren’t shocked when said celeb eventually gets pulled over for something more serious like a DUI. That’s so sweet! [Source]
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