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America's Next Top Model Sucks

Part of: Fashion , Gossip , Television
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I don't know why America's Next Top Model is even called that. They certainly aren't looking for America's Next Top Model or they wouldn't have kicked off Brittany Hatch (seen above) last night. Brittany could have been the modeling industry's next It girl. Oh, but she didn't even make it to the top three. No, that slot will be reserved for "tranny-girl "Jaslene, "manly" Renee and "flaring nostrils" Dionne. ANTM sucks beyond belief now, and I will not be watching the rest of the season. I'm not concerned about Brittany becoming successful despite not winning the show. One of my favorite models from ANTM Cycle 1, Elyse Sewell (seen below), didn't win the show but is the most successful of any of the past season's winners or contestants. She also has a great blog where she writes about living in Hong Kong and traveling the world as a model. So don't fret Britt!

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While I agree she took great photos, she was a drama queen and this time she had her fit in front of a judge. Not the crying poor me that she usually does but a cussing temper tantrum. Past that it was the first time in antm history that nobody wanted to book a model. If you can't book as a model you don't work.

Her walk was a hot stinking mess. Her pictures were beautiful. I can't stand Renne, Dionne is dry and boring, Jaslene cracks me up and takes a fine picture (sometimes) but I have to cheer on Natasha. That mail order bride is hilarious. Oh, Elise was easily the greatest contestant ever.

I loved her. And I agree her pics were by far the best, but lordy that walk.
I think Natasha is going to win the whole stinking mess. Renee? Too old. Jaslene takes a hot photo, but she does look like a man, and that Dionne? Disaster.

I'll keep watching and let you know who wins.


i think natasha is going to win it dionne always looks to mean i don't like how renee, jaslene, and dionne ganged up on her at judging idon't believe renee has the passion to become antm not once has she said she wants to be a model she always talking about wanting to take care of her family which is fine but think she is just in it for the money plus she looks to old jaslene looks to much like a draq queen nuff said, natasha will win it ialso liked how she said at the end of judging " its better to be talked about than be unnoticeable"!! so think theres something about natahsa that the other girls feel threatned anyways way to go natasha prove them girls you got what it takes to be antm best of luck!!!!!!!

All these girls are pathetic. They are so self-absorbed, do they know anything outside their little worlds? Plus all these girls are ugly. I will never understand why the industry thinks models should look like pre-pubesent (sp) boys.

I disagree because Eva Pigford/Marcille is the most successful model out of ANTM history. But anywayz Dionne is mad cool and feel ut looks a little mean. Natasha has strong and modelly features. Jaslene is Jenny from the Block but a little draggish and too skinny. Renee wines too much but has a personality like Jade and bitchy. She also has experience like Kahlen fronm Cycle 4 with Barbizon modeling.

Brittany should have won. I'm very disappointed.

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