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Memorial Day Gossip

Part of: Gossip , Hollywood , LA , Lindsay Lohan , Mischa Barton , Nicole Richie

[Breakfast: Mini-muffins from Breadbar. Soy chai latte from Cafe Luxxe]

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Memorial Day Weekend is a nice time for celebrating with ones friends and family. How sad is it that poor Mischa Barton was shopping at Ralphs with her dear friend Nicole Richie (who looked like shit, BTW) and bought loads of supplies for a party that Mischa would have to leave from early? Supposedly she had a bad reaction because of her medication, but that's code for drinking too much Coke. Did you know that you can O.D. on Coke? That stuff has way too much sugar in it and it allegedly takes paint off cars. It 's also dehydating. If you don't believe me, just ask Nicole Richie.

What's worse than Mischa's spoiled day? Lindsay Lohan ran into a curb with her gorgeous Mercedes and then left the accident scene. Someone who has it out for her called the police who arrived at the scene three minutes later - How often does that happen? I've had vehicles hit me before and the police have never responded that fast. Actually, the witness was really pissed off that LL hit a tree and ran. (She called her bodyguard and he picked up LL and her friend to take them to the Century Center Hospital.) LL's Mercedes was searched and it had a useable amount of cocaine in it. WTF? No one in the car was smart enough to dispose of it? In Touch thinks that LL's already back in rehab (this time at Promises in Malibu which is way more chic than Wonderland). Oh, and the vodka company that was going to sponsor part of LL's birthday bash in Vegas pulled out. The poor girl can't even have her beverage of choice sponsoring her 21st birthday party. That really sucks for LL. I feel her pain.


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yeaaahhh.. that really really sucks.

Regarding LL: see previous post.

Regarding Nicole Richie: she *does* look like shit.

Regarding Mischa Barton: She wears really fugly shorts. Not necessarily today, but often. So poor her for that. Blah!

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