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I See Stars

Part of: Fashion , Gossip , Hollywood , LA , Slice of Life , Television
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I saw Brooke Burke yesterday with her adorable baby Rain having tea or coffee with a friend at Caffe Luxxe on Montana. She was very natural looking and didn't look plastic at all. (Her ex-husband was a plastic surgeon.) She didn't seem to be wearing any makeup and did not have perfect skin. However, her body looked perfect. It was refreshing to see someone famous who was dressed and acting normally. A lot of times when you're around actors they're acting--they can't turn off into real person mode. Brooke wasn't putting on any Don't-you-know-I'm-famous airs. In most of the paparazzi shots I found of Brooke she looked the same--no makeup and natural hair. I guess when you have three children that aren't with nannies all the time, it's easier to be real and not obsessed with looking perfect all the time.

I also saw Dita Von Teese on Rodeo Drive yesterday wearing a really fabulous red jacket and skirt. The jacket was corsetted with small hooks which made it less precious. She was carrying a huge bag, but I didn't see where it was from. These bags from the designer stores (Gucci, Prada, YSL) are of highest quality card stock with the label's name written in a luxurious font. They're often gigantic or more rectangular than what you'd get in a regular store.


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Dita's awesome.

I think Dita is very 'tiny angel' cameo pretty and elegant., but she stays in character too much. Wonder what she looks like dressed comfortably like you and me, in a T-shirt and jeans with her hair in a ponytail?

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