Who Wore it Best?
Part of: Fashion , Gossip , Hollywood , TomKat[Breakfast: Breadworks almond mini-muffins. EmergenC tropical.]

Katie Holmes wore a few really stylish outfits in France. This Chanel beach cover-up (or tunic) is so City-Meets-the-Beach chic. It also really goes with Katie's new hairstyle. Who rocked the tunic more: Katie or model Hanne Gaby Odiele?
I think Katie, but I must admit I'm partial to her.
Posted by: David N. Scott | July 10, 2007 12:25 PM
Katie wore it best. I do not like the "dress" worn with a belt like the model in the photo.
Posted by: kymmie | July 11, 2007 12:56 PM
I think the model wore it better. I really like the belt with it.
Posted by: McKenzie | July 14, 2007 09:49 AM