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June 22, 2007
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Gossip ,
Hollywood ,
Paris Hilton ,
Politics ,
One of my sources has told me that Paris' camp is currently in talks with a revered, veteran journalist known especially for their unflinching TV interviews. I'm excited to see the interview now!...[More]
June 18, 2007
Part of:
Fashion ,
Fashion Accessory Du Jour ,
Gossip ,
Hollywood ,
Click Photos to Enlarge It looks like Kate Beckinsale loves her woven straw thong sandals by Stella McCartney (seen above and below wearing them twice in one week). You too can own them for a mere $575. But are...[More]
May 18, 2007
Part of:
Gossip ,
Hollywood ,
LA ,
Paris Hilton ,
Click Photo to Enlarge A source close to Paris Hilton has told me not to believe the reports that Paris' jail time has been shortened. Actually, they said not to believe anything. Paris is still currenlty set to serve 45...[More]
May 08, 2007
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Gossip ,
Hollywood ,
LA ,
Paris Hilton ,
Politics ,
Trick Or Treat
Click Photos to Enlarge Morning sucks and you're probably feeling annoyed right now, but now you have something to laugh your head off at for the rest of the day. Paris Hilton thinks that she deserves a goverment pardon...[More]
March 26, 2007
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Gossip ,
Click Photo to Enlarge Poor Naomi had to dress the part of a lowly Sanitation worker on her last day of community service. But that was only a costume--after work she turned into Cinderella. How did she get ready for...[More]
March 19, 2007
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Gossip ,
Hollywood ,
Music ,
Click Photo to See Full Image Unfortunately, I couldn't find the exact Breakfast at Tiffany's photo that inspired Beyonce's Australian concert poster. (The art director of my BAT banner found it.) Below is part of the banner with Audrey Hepburn's...[More]
March 13, 2007
Part of:
Brangelina ,
Gossip ,
Hollywood ,
[Breakfast: Kashi roasted almond crunch granola bar. Iced coffee.] Click Photos to Enlarge I know that Brangelina are superheroes, but I still couldn't figure out where they were going to put a fourth child. I mean, they literally have their...[More]
January 11, 2007
Part of:
LA ,
Politics ,
Slice of Life
Click Photos to Enlarge Today marks the 5th Anniversay of Guantanamo Bay. Guantanamo Bay is known as a US base/prison/ torture chamber in Cuba. "On January 11, 2002, the first 20 detainees in the “war on terror” arrived, hooded...[More]
November 08, 2006
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Politics ,
"...in my first act of of bipartisan outreach since the election, I shared with her [Nancy Pelosi: House Democratic Leader] the names of some Republican decorators who can help her pick out the new drapes in her offices." President...[More]
November 08, 2006
Part of:
Brangelina ,
Gossip ,
Hollywood ,
Click Photos to Enlarge Remember how Al-qaeda allegedly threatened Brangelina? Turns out the threat was bogus. Al-qaeda has better things to do than focus on America's Royal Family. Duh. They are so partying like Lindsay Lohan right now over...[More]
November 02, 2006
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Brangelina ,
Gossip ,
Hollywood ,
Click Photo to Enlarge Damn, al-Qaeda. If you even touch a hair on Angelina's back or Brad's pecs, the U.S. will so try to kick your ass. Supposedly there have been al-Qaeda threats against Brangelina due to the political nature...[More]
October 26, 2006
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Brangelina ,
Gossip ,
Hollywood ,
Literati ,
Politics ,
Click Photo to Enlarge There’s been controversy about Angelina Jolie playing the bi-racial widow Marianne Pearl of slain journalist Daniel Pearl in the biopic A Might Heart because she is white. One aggravated person even wrote in a forum that...[More]
September 11, 2006
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Hollywood ,
Politics ,
Let’s get the tragic news out of the way first. Besides today being the fifth anniversary of 9/11, news came in this morning that Anna Nicole Smith’s 20-year-old son, Daniel, died suddenly yesterday. He was in the Bahamas for...[More]
June 21, 2006
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Brangelina ,
Hollywood ,
Politics ,
Did any of you see Angelina Jolie on Anderson Cooper's 360 last night? I was disappointed. At first I felt like I was going crazy because she kept on repeating things that she had already said. On my favorite...[More]
May 04, 2006
Part of:
Britney ,
Gossip ,
Hollywood ,
Kate Moss ,
Literati ,
Paris Hilton ,
Politics ,
Sienna Miller ,
--I know you've been dying to see the English teaser trailer for "Casino Royale." Daniel Craig doesn't even have to say he's James Bond. The haters must be royally pissed. Click here to check it out. --Britney hired another...[More]
May 02, 2006
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Gossip ,
Hollywood ,
Politics ,
Scarlett Johansson
Damn. Alicia Keys joined Scarlett Johansson in her photo protest. (Currently the two are filming "The Nanny Diaries" in NYC.) What a supportive co-star. Except her sign should say "I agree" because she has no paparazzi stalking her ass....[More]
May 02, 2006
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Gossip ,
Politics ,
Scarlett Johansson
"I'm Being Harrassed by the Person Taking the Picture" What happened to the days when Hollywood starlets were just grateful for being working actresses? The Mexican immigrants were going to help Scarlett with her cause, but they were too...[More]
March 22, 2006
Part of:
Brangelina ,
Gossip ,
Hollywood ,
Jessica Simpson ,
Literati ,
Music ,
Paris Hilton ,
Politics ,
--Isaac Hayes isn’t leaving "South Park" and Chef behind, you ignorant fools. “FoxNews.com has deemed it "ridiculous" that the singer, who has been recovering from a stroke suffered in mid-January, would all of a sudden turn against the show...[More]
March 16, 2006
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Gossip ,
Hollywood ,
Literati ,
Arianna Huffington has one last thought on all that jazz about George Clooney and that fateful blog gone wrong: "...So while this is definitely the last time I'll rely on an okay-to-publish from a publicist, it most assuredly won't be...[More]
March 16, 2006
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Gossip ,
Hollywood ,
Literati ,
I've heard Arianna Huffington say some wacky things first hand but find it hard to believe that she'd threaten George Clooney. In case you haven't noticed, almost everything that Clooney says in the press is sarcastic in nature. The...[More]
March 15, 2006
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Gossip ,
Hollywood ,
Literati ,
(Arianna and George) Now producer Jane Hamsher has blogged on The Huffington Post that things went down just the way Arianna Huffington said when she spoke with George Clooney about blogging. "John Amato and I were there with Arianna...[More]
March 15, 2006
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Gossip ,
Hollywood ,
Literati ,
*Updated Arianna Huffington has enough famous people blogging on her site, so I don't get why she would deny George Clooney's request to take down a post that he only authorized under certain circumstances. It makes no sense that Clooney...[More]
March 09, 2006
Part of:
Ashlee Simpson ,
Christina Ricci ,
Gossip ,
Hollywood ,
Lindsay Lohan ,
Politics ,
Reese Witherspoon ,
Stoned! ,
--The latest actress who had to gain weight for a role is Salma Hayek for Ask the Dust. She felt real trepidation about doing a love scene with Colin Farrell weighing roughly the same as an average American woman....[More]
February 20, 2006
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Brangelina ,
Gossip ,
Hollywood ,
Jessica Simpson ,
LA ,
Literati ,
Politics ,
Stoned! ,
--"It" Hollywood chick, Jill Soloway, has a blog, so check it out if you haven't already. --Nick Lachey wants spousal support and his bling back. He totally deserves support for putting up with I-can’t-wipe-my-own-ass Jessica Simpson, but his bling...[More]
February 06, 2006
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Gossip ,
Hollywood ,
Literati ,
Music ,
Politics ,
--NYC’s own former "No. 1" escort, Natalia McLennan, spent her birthday with PAGE SIX and "The Insider" last week as a wannabe actress--not as a hooker. Are you sure about that Page Six? Unfortunately, Miss McLennan looks far beyond...[More]
February 04, 2006
Part of:
Gossip ,
Hollywood ,
Lindsay Lohan ,
Music ,
Paris Hilton ,
Politics ,
Stoned! ,
[Breakfast: a small Cobb salad and calm Tazo tea] --Sheryl Crow and Lance Armstrong have split. You read they were having problems here first. [CNN] --Corretta Scott King's body is" lying in state" in Atlanta. Thousands poured into the Georgia...[More]
January 31, 2006
Part of:
Gossip ,
Kate Moss ,
Lindsay Lohan ,
Mischa Barton ,
Politics ,
--Mischa Barton is about to become a US citizen. Great, now we can’t blame her bad taste in style on being an alien. I was going to say style and men, but since her boyfriend Cisco Adler just took...[More]
January 27, 2006
Part of:
Gossip ,
Kate Moss ,
Literati ,
--Joaquin Phoenix survived a car crash, and I’m sure that he was 100% sober. Joaquin’s brakes faltered and his car flipped over. His publicist says that he wasn’t hospitalized and he’s fine. Don’t fret, he’ll definitely be at the...[More]
January 24, 2006
Part of:
Gossip ,
Kate Moss ,
Literati ,
Politics ,
Stoned! ,
-- Gwyneth Paltrow was turned down for a film role when she was 20 because she was too plain. Well, she is kind of plain. How does GP deal with this kind of negativity? She Sees No Evil and...[More]
January 10, 2006
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[Breakfast: a Skor bar and tea] I just finished nominating my faves here, and you should do the same. Voting ends tonight at 10 PM EST....[More]
April 26, 2005
Part of:
Hollywood ,
LA ,
Literati ,
Updated [Breakfast: a chocolate croissant and a latte] Disclaimer: Being on Sudafed ™ is like being on drugs. Luckily I was having a good hair day—my hair had dried naturally with perfect waves. My nose was red from blowing it...[More]
December 09, 2004
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Tiffany's view: Dell computers and customer service suck. If you're buying someone a computer this holiday season, buy any other brand. Someone sent me this... With the holidays upon us, some of us might wish to be mindful of whom...[More]
September 28, 2004
Part of:
Guest Bloggers ,
Breakfast: large coffee, 2 sugars, extra light w/whole milk (you can't get extra light w/skim) First, my apologies to our fabu hostess Tiffany and B.A.T. readers for the lengthy delay in posting my follow up. I had a family emergency,...[More]
September 01, 2004
Part of:
*Updated Breakfast: croissant with jam and coffee I will be posting later on. Wednesday: Do you support the law, passed by the Republican Congress and signed by President Bush that bans partial-birth abortion? Thursday: Should we build President Regan’s SDI...[More]
August 30, 2004
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Guest Bloggers ,
I've asked Ashmi before to guest blog, but she finally contacted me about something she was passionate about. I rarely post about politics here, so this is a special treat. Ashmi's Breakfast: Coffee, very light w/regular milk, 1 1/2 sugars...[More]
July 29, 2004
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Updated with a link to Bush Twins' photo in Vogue (are they wearing draperies?) It's all over for the Bushes. The Kerry girls are sitting pretty with their photos in the September Vogue magazine ready to go to press. Any...[More]
July 23, 2004
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Breakfast: chocolate croissant and an iced coffee On and off again gay boyfriend of BAT, Boifromtroy, will be taking over the reins for a week at the political gossip weblog, Wonkette. We're not surprised considering that Boifromtroy has had a...[More]
July 14, 2004
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Breakfast: cream cheese muffin and iced coffee I wasn’t going to write anything about the Richard Riordan incident here because my blog isn’t about politics. However, journalist Luke Y. Thompson wrote me: Of all the people to weigh in on...[More]
May 03, 2004
Part of:
Updated Breakfast: half of a toasted baguette and an iced-coffee w/ half and half from one of my favorite French cafes BoifromTroy writes on his blog: You might remember, like more than ten days ago, Tiffany Stone and my accounts...[More]
April 22, 2004
Part of:
Breakfast: Banana Happy Earth Day! I usually don't write about politics here, but I had to share this beautiful connection with you. I also think this subect is an important one. I originally published the following piece on Boifromtroy.com last...[More]
April 21, 2004
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Updated (sorry this post was kind of confusing before) Breakfast: Yogurt Honey Peanut Balance Bar Several upset members of my hosting site have sent me the following information. I know some lawyers read my site and would like one of...[More]
April 20, 2004
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Breakfast: Almond Croissant and Coffee I hate *forwards* but am posting a worthy one here: Try this soon, before someone forces Google to fix its site 1) Go to www.Google.com 2) Type in -- weapons of mass destruction-- (DON'T hit...[More]
April 13, 2004
Part of:
Updated Breakfast: A large slice of poppyseed Bundt cake Note: I am not too keen on posting original news here anymore, because I've noticed that a *certain* site is copying my items without linking to me. Funny- they don't do...[More]
March 24, 2004
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Quote Du Jour: David D writes me: "Remember: if you keep a very open mind, people will throw in a lot of garbage."...[More]
March 23, 2004
Part of:
Politics ,
*Updated I did get one link that I know of from LegalXXX! Breakfast: Honey Peanut Balance Bar Note: Boi's guest bloggers are lazy or busy, so I've been kind of taking over. At least I'm having fun. It's so easy...[More]
March 18, 2004
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*Updated* Breakfast: Apple Crisp ...BoiFromTroy's weblog with others March 19-29th. It's a rare chance to check out some of my political postings. Boi has certain writing guidelines, and since I'm not gay, Republican, or into sports, I'll be mostly writing...[More]
February 04, 2004
Part of:
Breakfast: Maple Buckwheat Flakes with Oat Milk I don't really write about politics here anymore. I did on my old blog quite often. (It's great if you're a comments whore.) I also take breaks from reading and debating with people...[More]
December 21, 2003
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* This is a May entry from my old blog, but it's time appropriate. I am going to a screening of Elf, so if I die in the next few hours, I will die laughing. [*Edit--I made it through Elf,...[More]
November 23, 2003
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Breakfast: Pumpkin Cheesecake A brainy corporate lawyer aquaintance of mine, Michael Rosner sent this to me. It's nice to see someone taking action via E-mail. I sent something along this line to CNN today via their website's comment section. I...[More]
November 23, 2003
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Breakfast: Pumpkin Cheesecake A brainy corporate lawyer aquaintance of mine, Michael Rosner sent this to me. It's nice to see someone taking action via E-mail. I sent something along this line to CNN today via their website's comment section. I...[More]
November 16, 2003
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Breakfast: Kashi-Go Lean cereal with oat milk * You all know I rarely if ever post things in this vein, but I found it quite amusing. Plus, I am Calicentric and there is a spoof on the LA Times. I...[More]
November 10, 2003
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Breakfast: Nature's Choice oat's 'n honey granolas bar One day, this past summer, I was driving down the loathsome California Street. I hate California St— it’s filled with old people who have issues with the four way stops and drive...[More]
October 18, 2003
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Breakfast: piece of pumpkin pie [I must be attracting the right people to my journal or maybe just former service industry types. Almost all of you tip 20%. I believe how much someone tips tells a lot about their generosity,...[More]
October 05, 2003
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I watched the last recall debate and have decided who I am going to vote for. Hint: it isn’t the absent candidate. As someone close to me--born and raised in California-- said, “If Arnold is elected; California will get what...[More]
September 27, 2003
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We supposedly know the general area where Osama currently resides--last I heard. Colin Powell on "Charlie Rose" last week stated "Sadam is gone." He said this in a final way that lead me to believe Saddam was dead. Have I...[More]
September 18, 2003
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*I haven't been feeling well--that's why I haven't written. I feel a bit better today. Hopefully this is somewhat coherent. My brain is not back to speed. I caught a glimpse of the Oprah show the other day with Arnold...[More]
September 03, 2003
Part of:
Fashion ,
SHOPPING: YUCKY FOR MEN Simon Dumenco delves into the new cultural phenomenon of male shopping in the media, which is threatening to take metrosexualism to the 'burbs. Tiffany speaks: Women and gay men are not trying to turn straight men...[More]
September 03, 2003
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A campaign called Save The Eggs has become necessary. The latest egg wasting incident happened today. One or more eggs were murdered on Arnold Schwarzeneggers' jacket. Arnold lovingly joked, "Where's the bacon?" Yes, he had the right idea. Maybe people...[More]
August 29, 2003
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From LukeFord.net: The Sex Life Of Political Candidates Kevin Roderick writes on LAobserved.com: "Now that the 1977 Oui story has been revived, there's a lot of commentary, mostly from Arnold friendlies, that a candidate's wild past sex life and drug...[More]
August 26, 2003
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Listening to NPR's Day to Day today proved to make me emotional, as usual. The ethical question was brought up: should a doctor in Israel give equal amount of medical attention to a Palestinian suicide bomber as his victims? The...[More]