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Two Models, Fat and Thin

Part of: 'Ana' Alert , Fashion , Gossip , Rant
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I’ve read before that models need to be at their skinniest for runway shows. The problem is that ultra skinny is in and models have to be thinner than ever. The model on the right, Snejana Onopka, is one of the skinniest models I’ve ever seen. I became acquainted with her when I bought the June/July issue of Paris Vogue. Snejana had a 10 page spread in it modeling only bathing suits. It was really gross. This model, shown above at the Fendi show in Paris this week, continues to be popular. Designer Michael Kors recently told Access Hollywood, "Thin is fine but it has to be healthy. Fashion sends a very powerful message, especially to young girls." He went on to use Snejana in his runway show during New York Fashion Week. WTF?

Designer Jean Paul Gaultier included one large model (left) in his show this week in Paris. I don’t know how the model felt going down the runway with the other models. There was only one other model who wasn’t stick thin. Gaultier has always done things for shock value and that’s all this was. The only one who seems to be taking the deathly skinny trend seriously is Madrid who required models to have a standard BMI of 18.

[Source 1, 2]

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The "fat" model is a good friend of mine I've known for years. She was in Galliano's show, and is starring in a french film as well (Avida).

She and I spoke before the show. Gaultier genuinely likes her, and was not using her as a joke. She is also a professional dancer and does not suffer from health problems as has been alleged by some.

She is a wonderful person, a lot of fun, and to me she's gorgeous.

i hate your website it only gives opinions that are dumb and there are no facts. this is the worst website i have ever seen in my life!!!! it is completely LAME!!!!

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