Breakfast At Tiffany's




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Breakfast, Sex, and the Weekend

Part of: Food , LA

[Breakfast: green tea and almonds]

My Favorite Weekend: Tiffany Stone

Yes, it’s annoying to cure hangovers with Mimosos and Bloody Mary’s. Yes, it’s annoying to just say no to a party or premiere because your boyfriend wants some ‘home’ time. Yes, it’s annoying to maintain ones lingerie collection when friends like Kate swipe your new panties from Myla in London. It’s also difficult to balance a day job in development hell and write a novel. Despite Tiffany Stone’s predisposition to being annoyed, she wouldn’t change a thing. Stone makes time for swinging on the beach (on actual swing sets), eating Red Velvet cupcakes and shopping for dresses that one doesn’t have to wear a bra underneath among other things.

Something’s Fishy

On Friday, DK and I like to take it easy since we go out a lot during the week. We might head over to our new favorite sushi joint in Brentwood. DK and I love the refreshing non-rice cucumber rolls and get a couple of handrolls sans rice. We share the Tempura ice cream for dessert. Then we might rent a couple of movies that end up sucking, because we pretty much see all the good movies when they’re in theatres. Sometimes we’ll watch the two shows that we Tivo: Super Nanny and The Apprentice. We like to remind ourselves that we aren’t ready to have kids.

Bed and the Dead

Saturday, I stay in bed for as long as possible, then go for a late afternoon brunch at Toast with DK. Toast is a great place for taking the piss out of Hollywood wannabes. After that, we head to The Grove or to our favorite theatre, The ArcLight to catch a couple of films. DK also likes the ArcLight better, because if we go to The Grove, I like to make him buy me things. One of our favorite things to do on a Saturday night is to go to The Hollywood Forever Cemetery to hang out, drink champagne (that we bring) and watch an old movie--Cinespia is the best! It’s also fun to annoy people by making out there. This past Saturday, the couple next to us sarcastically said, "Great, it must be a date night." My psychic prediction: Their relationship will only last another month. Joan’s on Third is a nice place to grab food for your pre-movie picnic and have a star sighting.

Sex and the City

Sunday is my favorite day. DK and I stay in bed longer than possible and have lots of sex—sometimes we don’t even make it outside of the apartment. (DK is super-nice and will pick up food to go from Blue Plate or wherever I want.) If I have a lot of energy, DK and I might go for a walk to Venice Beach. (Sometimes I’ll even pay for DK to get a massage on the boardwalk by a hot chick.) If the weather is nice, we’ll walk to The Viceroy and have champagne brunch outside. (We have to stay there a long time because we get really wasted.) Driving up to San Diego or San Francisco spur of the moment is fun. Occasionally we spend a night or two at a hotel—now that makes for a divine weekend.

P.S. If the L.A. Times want to use this for their My Favorite Weekend column, I’ll consider it.

P.P.S. (Unrelated) Fellow bloggers, please do not e-mail me asking to exchange links. Too many of you are doing it, and it's really annoying me. If you are trying to sell your book etc, please e-mail me for my advertising rates.


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