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50 Cent Gets Rich - Friedman Dies Trying?

Part of: Gossip , Hollywood , Literati

[Breakfast: a chocolate chip cookie]


It seems everyone is out to get 50 Cent --- decrying his life story movie “Get Rich Or Die Trying” as a financial failure (bringing in ‘just’ $24m since it’s release on Wednesday).

Drudge, on his own site, links to ‘esteemed’ Fox411 writer, Roger Friedman, who lambasts the movie’s failure citing that ‘He may have sold a lot of CDs but rapper 50 Cent can’t seem to get his fans into theaters.’

Friedman goes on:

"The number of people who will have seen "Get Rich" in five days is kind of interesting when you think about it. That $24 million, at ten bucks a pop, translates into 240,000 tickets sold. If some tickets went for a little less, we could be generous and say 300,000 fans of the rapper made it through turnstiles — and maybe in some cases metal detectors — to see their idol…."

“…So the question is, where are those fans and why didn’t they pour in to theaters this weekend to see their man? It’s certainly no fault of director Jim Sheridan or even Paramount marketing. They did their best. Maybe the answer is that there aren’t so many 50 Cent fans in the first place. That would raise some other questions, certainly.”

Dear Roger,

You are such an idiot. In your ridiculous attempts to destroy the credibility of 50 Cent, you made one fatal error: $24m divided by 10 is 2.4m tickets sold, not 240,000 tickets sold, as you state in your article. Therefore, your whole premise is completely flawed, you mathematical genius. Did you do that on purpose, thinking that people wouldn’t be able to divide the number themselves - are you really just a racist, bigoted hack? Or perhaps math wasn’t your strongest subject in school. Suffice to say, gone are the days when editors check a writer's work before it gets published. If I were 50 Cent’s lawyers, I would be getting in touch with you on Monday morning…

Drudge, take it from me - take down the link.


The movie in actuality did $18.2m since it's opening on Wednesday. That's approximately 1.8m tickets sold [Box Office Mojo]


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