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Part of: Brangelina , Gossip , Literati , Stoned! , Television

--Josh Holloway has been named the hottest TV hunk by "In Touch Weekly". I don’t agree, though if he shaved I might. But at least they picked a manly man. [AOL]

--I’ve heard my share of Keifer Sutherland stories and none of them have been pretty. They all star a man who drinks too much and has a chronic drippy nose. (Note to Keif: Try Afrin ™). Now "The Keif" has been sighted doing Karate chops in a bar at 9 a.m. where a fan paid for his drinks after he claimed that he lost his wallet. No worries, "The Keif" is often up 24/7 researching his role for the hit TV series "24" and things like this are bound to happen. [Page Six]

--If you hate or are terribly jealous of bestselling author James Frey, be sure to watch him on Oprah today. There will be some journalists grilling him. Oh, and Oprah hates his guts now. Nan A. Talese, the publisher of his book "A Million Little Pieces" will be there to wipe the sweat off his brow. [CNN]

--Jennifer Aniston might be coming out with her own memoir about the Real Brad Pitt based on her personal journals to get back at Brangelina. Jen: if you need any inspiration go here. [Female First]

--The latest actors that no one cares about to get divorced are Melrose Place alumns, Josie Bisset and Rob Estes. [E!]


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