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HuffCloon--The End?

Part of: Gossip , Hollywood , Literati , Politics

Arianna Huffington has one last thought on all that jazz about George Clooney and that fateful blog gone wrong:

"...So while this is definitely the last time I'll rely on an okay-to-publish from a publicist, it most assuredly won't be the last time I'll recruit for the blogosphere and try to get the uninitiated to blog..."

If a publicist can't be trusted, then who can be in Hollywood?

"But, some have asked, is a blog still a blog if it contains repurposed material? My answer is: absolutely. Who cares if the ideas were first expressed in a book, a speech, a play, or an interview? The medium isn't the message; the message is the message. With the right medium providing the needed amplification."

I agree with this statement, but one's source must always be stated for quoted material. All George was looking for was context. And it seems that all Arianna was looking for was a reason to get more hits on her site (and the last word). Clearly, she's the one with the better publicist...


More on HuffCloon
More Huff about Clooney
Clooney in a Huff


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