Lindsay Lohan Kisses Vanity Fair's Ass
Part of: Gossip , Lindsay Lohan , Literati

Lindsay Lohan doesn't hate Vanity Fair anymore. She decided to kiss and make up with Vanity Fair by admitting that she did lose a lot of weight and wasn't eating right when she was interviewed for the magazine earlier this year.
In January, Mean Girls star Lohan was quoted in an interview with reporter Evgenia Peretz, as saying, "I was making myself sick," and, "I had people sit me down and say, 'You're going to die if you don't take care of yourself.'" When the sensational quotes from the interview were released to the media, Lohan issued a statement denying she had a disorder, saying, "The words that I gave to the writer for Vanity Fair were misused and misconstrued, and I'm appalled with the way it was done." Despite Lohan's denial, Vanity Fair insisted they had her quotes on tape and stood by the story. In retrospect, Lohan says, "I'm actually happy Vanity Fair did that. Because (in correcting the article) it was nice to be able to say to young girls it's not OK to treat yourself like that. And there are other ways (rather than bulimia) to maintain a weight you like. I lost a lot of weight. I had a lot of s**t to deal with at that time and I wasn't eating right." [via IMDB]Now if she'd just admit to how she lost the weight. Every teenage girl wants to know.
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