Quote of the Week
Part of: Gossip , Hollywood , Literati , Music
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Courtney Love on drugs:
“Because I was given acid at four, I think my mind was freed.”
Courtney Love is obviously promoting her new book Dirty Blonde: The Diaries of Courtney Love because there's also a story out there about how Mel Gibson tried to save her from drugs. He allegedly came into a posh hotel room where Courtney Love was doing coke with some guys (probably music execs) and lured the guys outside with his celebrity to grab some cheesburgers. Then he sent in an addiction specialist. I don't know if that makes Mel Gibson look good or bad. What do you think? I think that while he was eating cheeseburgers with the guys, he was also dipping into their stash.
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I think it makes him sound pretty good...
Posted by: David N. Scott | November 1, 2006 11:50 AM