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The Simpsons Heart Louis

Part of: Fashion , Fashion Accessory Du Jour , Gossip , Hollywood , Jessica Simpson , LA , Music
Jessica's current favorite bag: Louis Vuitton Speedy 25

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I always though that Jessica Simpson was the real Louis Vuitton lover. After all, she did say, "Is that weird, taking my Louis Vuitton camping?" Um, yeah. It is weird unless you're really rich. I also don't understand the need for Louis Vuitton luggage. It seems more like a status thing--"I'm so rich that I don't care if my luggage worth thousands of dollars is completely ruined or lost after one trip". Then again, I'm not a fan of their traditional luggage like Jess' bag above. Louis doesn't exactly scream rock 'n roll, but Ashlee is now a devoted fan as well. (Though maybe she's just borrowing her sisters bag since she's crashing at her pad.) In the recent pictures below, Ash toted her Louis Monogram Leopard Stephen bag around Malibu to Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf and Paradise Cove Cafe. I guess that Jess raved to her sis about the onion rings that she shared there with John Mayer the other day and she just had to go. Maybe they'll become the Clone Sisters.

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Jessica is carrying the Speedy 35, not 25.

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