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Pregnant Fashionistas Du Jour

Part of: Brangelina , Fashion , Fashionista Du Jour , Hollywood , Jessica Alba
pregnant-fashionista-du-jour-jes1.jpg pregnant-fashionista-du-jour-jes-jolie1.jpg

Jess and Jolie could have playdates with their babies after they hatch. Somehow I don't think that Jolie would be into hanging out with Jess, but you never know. Jolie looks maternal in a long dress by Gerard Darel. I might have to hit a Gerard Darel boutique when I'm in France in May. Unfortunately, he doesn't have any stores in the U.S. Long dresses tend to overwhelm my frame, so it probably wouldn't suit me anyway, sigh. I'm glad that Jess is wearing her pregnancy well. This dress that she donned for The Eye premiere in France could double as her wedding dress!


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