Part of: Food , Slice of Life , Travel[Breakfast: organic vanilla yogurt. green and white tea.]

Whenever I get back from France I scan the “living in France blogs” and figure out which books on Paris I should read, and decide to learn more French. I’ve only taken one basic French class where I felt like I was in a high school language class (it was taught at a high school) and promptly forgot everything that I learned. I need a good French tutor. I’ve asked quite a few people that one would think would know this sort of thing, but they all knew a teacher that doesn’t teach anymore or has moved. I was at a tasty Italian restaurant in Cannes (Al Gambero) with a couple of multilingual people. No, I did not need help translating the menu because the most French I’ve memorized is food related. My favorite vegetables: epinard (spinach) asprege (asparagus) oignon (onions) and least favorite vegetables: aubergine (eggplant) and champignon (mushroom). I like my meat cooked medium-rare = rosé. I’ve also memorized fruit that comes in the pastries that I like: framboise (raspberry) fraise (strawberry), and I love the cherries in France (cerise). There are times, like when I ate at places such as Lenôtre with DK for lunch in Cannes, where neither of us could understand much. Luckily, we ran into an acquaintance who could translate. I did end up ordering what I was going to in the first place: asparagus three ways (DK got the tomato tart), but wouldn’t have known about the other options. And, yes, that is a savory macaron. Oh, there are also times where you can’t get a menu in English or with translations even in touristy areas. But that is how you learn French, no? BTW, The millefeuille at Lenôtre is to..die.. for…

Watch French films on IFC and also the French news. I studied French since 7th grade + 2 semesters in college. Sadly, I only remember the basics. If you don't use it on a regular basis, you do lose it.
Posted by: Michelle | June 12, 2009 12:45 PM