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Hilary Duff Hearts Goyard

Part of: Fashion , Hollywood , LA , Music

[Breakfast: a lemonade and wheat toast with butter and apricot jam]

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I don't remember how I discovered Goyard. I might have been at Barneys New York and came across the line while checking out handbags. The brand has been around forever and its original store is on the tony Saint Honore in Paris. Their tote bag has become very popular in L.A. and is approximately $950 - 2,000. Yesterday I lunched with Rachael at Lemonade on Beverly Blvd. and one group of late teens/ early twentysomethings literally had all of their Goyard tote's stacked on a chair--at least they were in different colors. Ah, to be young with rich parents.

I have needed a business card case for a while, but haven't found the right one. The one by Goyard is $500. I know it's something I 'd have for a long time, but I'd rather spend a bit more for a proper Goyard bag. The bag is really too ubiquitous here. Every time I go out I see at least three of them. If I could easily afford it, then I would buy one to pack in my suitcase for shopping here and abroad.


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