Breakfast At Tiffany's




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Part of: Wigtastic!

Guess Who?

Yes, it's the 1999 version of Matthew McConaughey, clearly lacking in the hair department.

And here he is in 2005, with a full head of hair. C'mon Matthew, what's up with that? You'd better come clean and stop lying to your adoring female fans. Please just admit that you're a founder member of Hair Club for Men. But there's no chance of that, 'cause if the world discovered that you were really a bald headed coot, you'd lose your title as 'World's Sexiest Man', right?

For a taste of what Matthew looks like sans cheveux, here's a shot of the man from 2002's "Reign of Fire". Sexy? I don't think so.

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[Special thanks to Mr. Wiggley]


Desperately Dating Matthew


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What, you don't like the goatee?

I would love to do a version of Richard the Third starring Mr. Matt. It would be great, since for the first time the part would be played out with Richard the III as a lovable, average guy the girls go nuts for when he drawls in that accent of his.

Either that, or he'd be forced to play a character that's not just him with a different name. I think it'd be great, and the kids would really get into shakespeare too.

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